Thursday, March 28, 2013



I sink my roots ever deeper
into this land, this mountainside
of old orchards and pine forest, 
this small portion of earth,
rock-face, snowberry, saskatoon,
coyote, raven, chickadee, deer.
In the quiet before dawn, after
that noisy bird chorus of celebration - 
another day - oh joyous miracle! - after
light bathes and inflames the peaks,
after the fire settles to work, warming
the house, soft creaks of pipe, snap of fire,
and before the sun climbs down
to my house nestled in frosty meadow
I wait. And then
it comes
soft as breath of a lover waking
the sleeping beloved, gentle as warm water
added to a cooling bath, tender as a father's 
kiss on the fontanel of new-born babe...
Little by little the room expands,
light tiptoes in and then blooms
'til it breaks open a flood
the room golden in a wash of
sun and morning, and outside a blue sky
high and delicious. And oh, this explosion 
of bird bodies, stitching that pristine
arch, welcoming the shimmer of life!

                                        © 03.24.2013    Gyllian Davies