responding, problem-solving, and taking action from our own ever-
ready minds. They are so busy and so full of good ideas! Only trouble
is - often our minds get disconnected from our deeper purpose for
being here, from listening to our hearts' desire, and walking our
soul's true path.
That's one reason I love SoulCollage®, as it offers a way to listen
into and be guided by the deeper parts of ourselves. It's a way to
step out of the patterns that might not be serving us, and step
through into a new world, a place of healing and wholeness where we
can act from all the parts of ourselves in conscious choice. Part of
why it works is that we step away from language. Instead we start in
a place of image, feelings, metaphor, hunches... and nothing has to
make sense!. Such a relief to let go of being sensible, reasonable,
competent and coherent for a little respite...
Then we listen to parts of ourselves that often don't get heard, and
feel that deep sense of relief and joy those parts share with us as
we finally STOP and hear their story. This explains why people love
their cards so much!
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