By creating poems, I write myself, little by little, into the light, along my path. As long as I remember to get out of the way, to get out of the effort of trying hard to make "a good one", then the poem is free to lead me into a new world of sight.
Sometimes I'll find myself, somewhere in the interior of the poem, critiquing word choices, direction taken, point of view... Then it's ever so important to whisper softly to that inner critic-witness "Not now. This isn't your place or time", then gently, almost absently, turn away from that evaluating, analytical voice. Turn away in order to once more immerse myself in the voice of the poem, calling it out with respect and love, understanding that humility, faithfulness, and obedience are my best chance for receiving potential gifts of insight new vision, awakened understanding.
So many parts of me want to be included - the wordsmith, the prophet, the radical, the healer... Sometimes it can be such a challenge to let go of being in charge! Who's writing this anyway! Something bigger than me, if I can be wise enough and hungry enough to allow that to be so. It's a matter of Trust.
And when I step into that realm of Trust, whether in writing a poem or hearing my dreams, whether coaching one-on-one or leading workshops, then the journey deepens, slows, becomes rich and powerful. I find the waters closing over my head and a smile dusting my face as joy and curiousity claim my heart. Each arrival is a new world beginning.
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