And then I ask myself - how can I make the world glow too? What's mine to do, my calling, that place, (as Frederic Buechner describes it), “where my deep joy meets the world's deep need”... I love Buechner’s naming of the Holy at work within us. How generous is the Holy of Holies that our life-work can become known to us by the deep joy it elicits in our entire beings!
For me, this past year has been a time of greater and greater clarity about my own life-work. Urgency grows in me for the well-being of the earth, for our connection with this generosity of a planet that we lucked out to exist on! ‘Course it wasn’t really luck since there was the Creator behind it all, yet there is within me the sense of luck, of unlooked for blessing – would that be ‘grace’, maybe...?