Sunday, May 31, 2009

Animals waiting for us...

Last Tuesday the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee passed the "American Clean Energy and Security Act". Which might seem like cause to rejoice, but according to a coalition of 15 environmental groups, the process was co-opted by oil and coal lobbyists. The loopholes in the bill will actually encourage and promote further degradation of the planet and accelerate the process of climate change. (For more info go here:

So my question becomes: how do I convey the urgency of our situation without spooking people into a paralysis of fear or hopelessness?

Part of an answer came to me this morning in this poem:

Animal Saviours

What will happen
when you meet your animal guide -
wise companion, bright guardian,
anchor to the land, initiator of your
earth-dwelling rites..... More
than you bargained or asked for?
They want to save you, bless you into
saving the earth. It seems obvious -
we all need a place to live on.
I know, it's so hard to change
a life that fits so well... but
the change has begun without you,
is already gathering speed and by the time
you can no longer continue in the life
you know and love, it will be too late
to stop the train of derailment. You're needed
now. Prophet, visionary or not - crisis
is upon us. Let these gentle animal-ones
carry you through the dark.
We will stand together, pointing ourselves
towards that distant flicker of light.

Gyllian Davies 05.31.09

What's your strategy for keeping yourself connected to joy in a world threatened by climate change?

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Here comes the new day,
arriving sudden, transforming
the blue world of pre-dawn
into a golden bath of light.
Up in the pines, the jays creak
at each other, while down here
in the white froth of the orchard
hummingbirds and bees stir
the petals ceaselessly, chanting
hymns of intoxication,
a litany of delight.

Gyllian Davies 05.24.09

Friday, May 22, 2009

Spring Greens!

My friend, Diana, suggested I take a spring tonic, making a smoothie from wild greens, water, and fruit. This is really outside my usual world but my body responded with a clear "yes!" Which is how I found myself, with said friend, protected by long sleeves and leather gloves, harvesting the young shoots of stinging nettles.  

The day was fresh, the new grass springing up so green, trees breaking out in that wrinkled tenderness of first leaves. I was having a fine time until one of those stinging nettle leaves - I swear it! - jumped off the stem and made a dive into the top of my glove. One leaf. I scrambled to remove it and then stood still, seized with the distress of those stinging welts beginning. "What do I do!", I heard my own cry. My friend David knows how to find Yellow Dock, a plant antidote he says always grows nearby. But he and his plant-savviness were hundreds of miles away. Diana seized a handful of couch grass. "Here, chew this and stick it on. I'll look for something..."  

I obediently stuffed the grass in my mouth, feeling like a horse, and began to chomp thinking "I can't believe I'm doing this! Is this what comes from hanging out with horses?"  To my surprise it almost tasted good - spring greens! - and once I smeared the masticated green mass on my screeching skin there was instant peace in the land of nerve endings. And the nettle smoothie? Delicious!

It's an invitation, isn't it? Step outside the box of habitual thinking. Where is that invitation coming in your life? Did you say "Yes!" yet?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grab Hold

This morning I grab the bull
by the horns and discover
this is no sweaty massive monster
sewing carnage wherever it turns.
I’ve grabbed onto the horns of
a yearling deer or maybe
a nanny goat, gazing back at me
from startled eyes, alarmed
by my violent actions, and hoping
I’ll soon return to peaceable ways.
All they want is to keep grazing,
munching their way from one green
clump of grass to the next, weaving
between the birch trees, in and out
of shadow-dappled light, following
the way of ease and comfort.
A mouthful of grass in the sunlight,
the scent of Spring frolicking in the air,
the quiet hum of earth, bees, birds, and gophers
living the Way of Life and Goodness –
simple pleasures, abundant blessing.

Gyllian Davies 5.06.09

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Water - gift of life

As the rains have been pouring down in unusual abundance in this
South-east corner of B.C., I've been struck deep in my heart by the
news of 1500 farmers committed suicide in G province in India
because they had no water to grow their crops. (See post by Deepak
Chopra @ )
What does it mean to not be silent about this? And as another soul on
the planet, blessed, for no reason I can understand, to be born in a
part of the world that's water-rich - how can I practically respond
to this tragedy?
Each morning I give thanks in the shower for water. I conserve with
all kinds of personal practices (flow constrictors on the showers,
low flush toilets, not running water thoughtlessly) but what I want
to know is this - HOW can I make a difference to the people of India
where water is a luxury instead of a basic human right?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Horses as our teachers

...A compelling conversation this morning about working with horses as our coaching partners. The presenter, Rachel Dexheimer, shared this thought: "the horses are calling us; they are turning up the volume. If you are hearing such a call from them, never under-estimate it!" If you'd like to know more about Rachel and her work with horses go to
This alert about the horses reminded me of returning from accompanying my dear friend, Joseph, on his dieing journey. When I came to pick up my dogs at my friend's I had to park near the barn because of a truck blocking the drive. As I got out of the car their horse, who'd never paid me any attention before, came running down to the edge of the paddock. I acknowledged the honour of this greeting by going over and blowing softly in her face. Then she reached over the fence and ever so quietly and gently laid her forehead against mine. Did I feel completely blessed? You bet! Was this a call to me from the horse? I'm still pondering on this one!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Debut in Winnipeg

I've been wondering this morning - how do I reach people in Winnipeg with no mailing list... And then I remember how - TRUST. Wonderful connections with enthusiastic and helpful people. Spontaneous conversations with delightful strangers. The planet is waiting for all of us to find each other, to discover the ways in which we are all connected - what are we waiting for! Mary Oliver asks us this:
"Tell me - what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"