Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summer Prayer

I pray this day
for holy clarity, for the fire
of devotion, of awareness,
burning bright, smoke-free
in my core.

I pray this day
for the deep heart of water
flood of compassion, of kindness
irrigating fields
drowning the weeds of self-doubt,
filling the thirsty green stems
with the juice of ardour.

I pray this day
for the wild bite of wind,
scouring clean, whipping
dust away from every surface, the wind of
Spirit, breath of no-nonsense,
gasp of give it up, give it all over.

I pray this day
for deep roots, for earth’s
stillness and solidity, for
the hidden core of love
buried wild and free,
secret and silent, bone-deep
in the heart’s centre.

Today, I pray
for insight and wisdom,
Cosmic Wind turning me round,
pinning me down
tossing me up,
and my own self satiated
with bright joy,
the sharp tongue of Life.

            © 07.24.2010   Gyllian Davies