Thursday, January 19, 2012

a book to remember

I have been reading the most extraordinary book, so extraordinary that for the first time in my life as soon as I finished reading it, I started over reading it again for a second time. Well, actually my older sister assures me that there was a book about an Easter egg factory run by rabbits that I demanded be read to me over and over again as a child.

In delightful synchronicity, this book too has a rabbit in it. “When God Was A Rabbit”, is the story of a brother and a sister, of an unusual family (in the larger sense of family), and of love, in its many amazing and sometimes painful, constellations.

Over and over again while reading I’ve experienced such a feeling of relief, of “thank goodness, immense kindness and wisdom - here it is!”  And over and over again, I’ve been captivated by the prose, by the thoughts of the characters, by the magical world conjured up by the author.

if you decide to read it, let me know how it touches you. I’d love to know.

As a rabbity after-thought – in case you weren’t aware of it, I’ll share with you a way to ensure good luck in your life on a daily basis. All that’s required is this: when you wake up on the first morning of each month, before any other words cross your lips, utter this one word “Rabbits!” and I guarantee you will have good luck for the rest of the month.

If by chance you forget, don’t despair. There is still the option of, each and every morning of the month, first thing say: “Rabbits!”, which will ensure good luck for that day. As you can see, it’s well worth remembering to say it on the first of the month – consider the effort you’ll be saving yourself!

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