Saturday, February 23, 2013

Messages worth paying attention to...

What an amazing ten days has just passed... I've definitely been living in the realm of the Big Journey. 

It began with a deep conversation with the Bishop after church. Later, that evening,I headed out to a friend's. As I was going down my outside steps in the dark, I was savouring how well I could see by moonlight, plus the ambient light reflected from the snow all around. So bright I had no need for a flashlight.

The next thing I knew, as I stepped onto the bottom step - whoosh! - I went down. I had chopped the ice off that step the day before. But while I'd been gone during this day, temperatures rose, snow on the deck melted, dripped down onto that step... As evening came, the mercury began its slow drop into the freeze of night, and the ice formed. By moonlight the step looked the same as when I had cleared it. Not! Down I crashed.

The next morning I went downstairs with some files to put away. To my astonishment I found myself sloshing through water. What on earth!?!  Turns out the hot water tank had given up the ghost. Hmmm

First the old towels laid everywhere to sop up the wet.Then, back upstairs to go look up high-efficiency tanks on the internet. At which point... my computer crashed. With a terse message on the screen that is had zero memory left, it announced "Good-bye!", and that was that.  

I was the recipient of messages from the Universe:
Get in contact with the GROUND...-
Immerse myself in the WATERS...
And finally, close off from the outer world, the global connection of the internet, and go inside for my answers. All of them! 

I got the message.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Life can be humbling when we need such loud and clear messages. I keep wondering if there is a better phone line so we could actually hear better?

    When things get that strongly messaged I believe I have been shut down to the first message and maybe the second and third..... Seems like a classic WAKE UP! Great Photo & Thanks for Sharing!
