Wednesday, February 15, 2012

After a day of feeling stuck in my own resistance, I remember this - I get to choose how I perceive what I'm up to. What a relief. Suddenly what had previously felt so difficult resolves, like murk settling in the water allowing it to become clear and lovely. The tasks that had loomed and glowered at me from the corner become effortless and even a pleasure to carry out. Magic!

Here is the gem I carry away from this day - in any one moment there is something to be grateful for. True kindness is me choosing to see the abundance. And when I do, I find the source of it is within me. It is my eyes and my heart that have chosen to see and recognize goodness, and to reflect that back to me. My own actions, gestures, thoughts - no matter how puny or insignificant they may seem - have the potential to be perceived as kindness and abundance. I get to bestow that kindness and abundance on me. And oh how my world lightens up when I do so!

We all have this capacity to gift to ourselves.  Perhaps the trick of it is to be willing to receive. To believe that joy and beauty belong in our lives.

In my "wiser" moments I understand that once again I have been gifted a chance to release more of my scarcity thinking and to step into believing this:

Always and always - there is enough! 
No-where in Creation is there a rule 
that says we must suffer,
so go ahead - choose Joy.

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